Dolphins Swimming in the Cracks of Sidewalks

Dolphins Swimming in the Cracks of Sidewalks, May 2022, CAC Gallery UC Irvine . Images by Ian Byers-Gamber.

A multimedia installation and drinking fountain that offers visitors a chance to reflect on how water moves through the environment and how water moves us through the world.


Station 1 stainless steel sheet, copper pipe, pond pump, Yosemite stone, fountain basin, campus tap water | 5 x 4 x 9 ft

Station 2 low flow toilet, blue seat, video (8:57), micro-projector, parabolic speaker | 3 x 3 x 7 ft Song credit: Hildegard Von Bingen, 12th Century, "Ave Maria, O auctrix vite" (8:57) from Canticles of Ecstasy performed by Sequentia

Water Society: Pearson’s Port collected March 29, 2022, glass apothecary jar, gift tape, institutional plinth | 5 x 2 x 2 ft

Station 4 medical steel portable IV stand, plant life support plastic drip bag, ceramic kidneys, campus tap water, oyster shells, borax crystals, watercolor powder pigment, ceramic bedpan| 2 x 2 x 8 ft

Oblation Station Multiple species of oyster shells, institutional plinth, lime-soda glass dispenser and stainless steel spigot, oxygenated and alkaline purified water, opal flint, naturally occurring silica, ceramic bedpan, watercolor powder pigment, borrowed aluminum dye pot | 7 ft x 3 ft x 3ft Visitors are invited to drink this water. The institution requires that you do so at your own risk. Shells on the pedestal have been cleansed. Place used shells into the pot to continue the cycle of reuse.

Station 6 Powdered agar, campus tap water, plastic pond liner, watercolor powder pigment, ceramic molecules after Leonardo Da Vinci’s water atom coated in borax crystals | 5 x 2.5 x1.5 ft

Station 7 Bench: Art Department scrap plywood and lumber | 5 x 2.5 x 1.5 ft

Water Society: San Diego Creek collected March 29, 2022, glass apothecary jar, gift tape, institutional plinth | 5 x 2 x 2 ft

Ceramic molecules after Leonardo Da Vinci’s water atom, Finger Lakes extrusion clearflex PVC tubing, campus tap water, rusted pipe fittings from an Echo Park basement, watercolor drawings made during exhibition, ceramic teeth, Yosemite stone | dimensions variable


Hydration Station